Questions & Answers

HDMI inputs and outputs on StudioLive hardware

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asked Mar 30, 2021 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by simonthorpe1 (140 points)
I've now got three different Presonus hardware mixers including the latest StudioLive 32R with 16 outputs. I've already got Presonus Monitors for a 5.1 setup, and will no doubt get more for 7.1 or even 9.1.

But it seems that there would be a really simple hardware feature that you could add that would make my life so much easier. Just include an HMDI output. It would allow 8 channels of 24bit 192kHz audio to be output, and I could plug it into a standard home cinema amplifier. Include 2 HMDI outputs and you could have all 16 outputs connected.

Any reason why this could  not be done?