Questions & Answers

Recording stereo output from Audio equipment

+1 vote
asked May 14, 2021 in AudioBox USB by andreashelfenstein (130 points)
Hi, I would like to use my AudioBox USB for recording stereo output of my HiFi equipment. My amplifier has a 'Rec out' and a 'Pre out' connection (both Cinch). How can I do that? Connect the 'Rec out L' to one of the 'Mic - Instrument' inputs of the Audio Box and the 'Rec out R' to the other one? What cable type would I need? Thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2021 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  You can't connect a line level output to the Audiobox 96.  Not directly.   Line level will likely blow your inputs.   You will need a d/i to sit between the audiobox and the hi-fi.   Look for a passive one.    