Questions & Answers

Best playback sound PC sound card with Studio One 5

+1 vote
asked May 26, 2021 in Studio One 5 by peternelson3 (150 points)
I am looking for the best PC sound Card for playback only.

I leave the physical studio with the files on a usb. Leaving the X32 interface behind. When I get home I have a copy of Studio one that I want a good sound card in for play back only.  What PCI sound card works well with Studio One Pro 5 for playback? Example to power headphones. Reminding you that the interface is left behind at the physical studio.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 24, 2022 by davidchapa (400 points)
I'm surprised this has been here for over a year without a response.  I have the same question - so I hope by replying it bumps it up to the top of the food chain.