Questions & Answers

Interface and signal from ********* x1204usb through macbook Air to Studio one artist 3, How?

0 votes
asked Mar 22, 2016 in Studio One 3 by big_paddy (150 points)
I have a Berhinger x1204 USB Mixer that is not being recognized by S1 Artist3 in New Song Interfaces. I have tried using Audiobox USB Stereo and Audiobox USB. I have gone through Song Setup seeing USB Codec and apply. I have gone through my Sound>application > midi step > on the mac to recognize the USB port and assign.

********* called me this morning and I was able to test the Mixer by being connected USB and playing iTunes, on my Macbook Air,  back through the Mixer headphones, therefore, i was connected to the computer. I am missing something in the Studio One setup to hear USB Codec on a Stereo Track. When I have A Microphone setup I can get  signal through the Mixer and heard in the headphones. No signal in the studio.

Thank you!

General>in Song Setup> 44.1 kHz , 24 bit res.  25 fps ,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 28, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
You will more than likely want to reach out to the manufacturer of the device for information about modes that the mixer needs to be set to, firmware updates, and OS compatibility.  One possible solution would be to use an aggregate device on your Mac and then manually configure the I/O setup inside of Studio One.  

Aggregate device setup:

Configure I/O setup in Studio One:

Software I/O Channels

In most recording applications, audio Tracks directly use your hardware audio device’s channels. In Studio One, there is a layer of software I/O (input and output) channels between your hardware audio device channels and your Tracks. This setup affords many advantages over the traditional method.

For instance, let’s say you produce a Song in your studio, using a multi-channel interface, then take your Song file to your friend’s studio, where you use a different audio interface. Simply connect your friend’s hardware audio device channels to the correct software I/O channels. When you get back to your studio, the original I/O configuration for the Song is automatically loaded for you, as if you never left. You can do the same thing if you need to open the Song on your laptop using its built-in audio hardware.

This is possible because Studio One stores I/O configurations with your Song, per computer and per audio device driver, ensuring that your Song remains highly portable and is never “broken” by changing audio devices.

Audio I/O Setup Menu

Each Track in a Song receives a signal from an input source and routes to an output destination. The input sources and output destinations made available to each Track are determined by the software I/O channel configuration created in the Audio I/O Setup menu. To view this menu and set up a default I/O configuration for each Song, create a new Song by clicking on Create New Song in the Start Page and navigate to  Song/Song Setup/Audio I/O Setup.

Software I/O Channels

In most recording applications, audio Tracks directly use your hardware audio device’s channels. In Studio One, there is a layer of software I/O (input and output) channels between your hardware audio device channels and your Tracks. This setup affords many advantages over the traditional method.

For instance, let’s say you produce a Song in your studio, using a multi-channel interface, then take your Song file to your friend’s studio, where you use a different audio interface. Simply connect your friend’s hardware audio device channels to the correct software I/O channels. When you get back to your studio, the original I/O configuration for the Song is automatically loaded for you, as if you never left. You can do the same thing if you need to open the Song on your laptop using its built-in audio hardware.

This is possible because Studio One stores I/O configurations with your Song, per computer and per audio device driver, ensuring that your Song remains highly portable and is never “broken” by changing audio devices.

Audio I/O Setup Menu

Each Track in a Song receives a signal from an input source and routes to an output destination. The input sources and output destinations made available to each Track are determined by the software I/O channel configuration created in the Audio I/O Setup menu. To view this menu and set up a default I/O configuration for each Song, create a new Song by clicking on Create New Song in the Start Page and navigate to  Song/Song Setup/Audio I/O Setup.