Questions & Answers

Instrument (Impact) not picking up sound. Using Windows Audio as Audio Device

+1 vote
asked Jun 30, 2021 in Studio One 3 by hich20 (180 points)
I'm trying to mess around and record beats using Impact, but when I click on Bass Drum, Snare or any of the instrument sounds the sound levels on the track are not affected. I press record, and it doesn't pick up the sound either.

I can hear the sound of the bass, snare, etc when I click on them through my headphones, but the sound is not being picked up by the sound level meter on the right side of the track.

I am using Windows Audio as the Audio Device.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2023 by matt124 (140 points)
i have same problem - I do not see any answers - am I looking in wrong place?
0 votes
answered Jan 24 by AnthonyMcCormally (170 points)
did you ever find a solution to this I am having the same problem, if so please let me know thanks