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Programmable MIDI-Tracks with Automations in Show Page

+115 votes
asked Jul 12, 2021 in Show Page by DerLiebeGott (370 points) 1 flag

It was a bit of a bummer that the last update didn't brought any changes to the missing MIDI options in the show page.

There are Bank changes possible with external Instruments I know, but thats not really doing it. A lot of people use VSTs like DMXIS to control their lights via MIDI Automations. Others need to program virtual instruments to play along with the live played ones.

For example I use a Drum-Sampler with audio cues to guide me through the songs while performing. Right now I have to program the track in another session and export it as audio into the Show Page, now when I want to add another cue or delete a bar I have to redo everything. Would be much simpler if I could just edit the MIDI notes in a piano roll on the fly. Same goes for my click, I dont want to use the standard click I want to program it with different timings and personalized sounds to suit my needs. Or imagine having a keyboard playing in the background while you perform something else. You could use audio of course but now you want to change the key or the sound or the tempo on the fly to suit a different singer or what ever. You have to go to the session re-export everything and so on and so on.

I also use another software to play back our video projection and it is synchronized via MIDI-Notes as well.

There are many more cases where a programmable MIDI-Track would be important. So much so that right now I still use the normal project page for Live Playback although the Show Page seemed to be an absolute game changer for me at first glance but it's not usable as of right now.

12 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jul 16, 2021 by Annibale Hexe (4,720 points)
I totally agree
+5 votes
answered Aug 16, 2021 by gerdsteinkamp (260 points)
I just found out that it is not possible to play midi tracks in the show page. That is quite a dissapointment because I would also like to use this page to run DMXIS light control during live shows.
+3 votes
answered Nov 11, 2021 by jakewes (310 points)
Please implement this feature in the next update.

I love Studio one 5 and the Showpage is e very usefull tool fot live performance.

It would be so helpfull if i can use a instrument trackt to use midi notes for lyric and light automation in the Showpage.
+1 vote
answered Nov 13, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+4 votes
answered Dec 30, 2021 by bboylj3 (1,320 points)
Yes please add a midi track option in Show Page to control dmx lights! This would be a dream come true! Just imagine all the lights changing according to the song you play through out the show! I for one think Ableton is a hassle to work with in my experiece and if Show Page had a midi will be the most user friendly...ultimate...all in one DAW!
+4 votes
answered Mar 11, 2022 by tombrignall (260 points)
Please Please Please work on this.  I would rather be able to use midi instruments that wav files for backing tracks so I can have multi outs on instruments and be able to adjust volume and eq depending on the room or the PA person.  Plus I would like to sync lights, and other gear like Ableton does.
+3 votes
answered Apr 1, 2022 by bassface (480 points)
Yes, come on PreSonus, please add Midi tracks so that EMU lighting software, etc can be triggered from the show page. This would make Studio One probably the most flexible DAW on the market. I have tried Ableton Live which has this feature, but it is nowhere close to being as easy to use. Please add in future update.
+4 votes
answered Apr 23, 2022 by neilzaza (370 points)
Absolutely! Needs MIDI out on the show page for each song discretely.
+6 votes
answered Apr 24, 2022 by kogikoski (290 points)
Please add it ASAP... This is a must have to make the show page a killer tool...
+6 votes
answered Apr 25, 2022 by andrewmcintosh (2,560 points)
Been dying for Show Page automation since it dropped. Huge deal breaker when it comes to it being of any use.
+2 votes
answered Jun 2, 2022 by felipesuarez1 (250 points)
Please S1, enable midi tracks in show page... I don't want to use wavs, I want to play my vsts live....
+3 votes
answered Jun 9, 2022 by gg52 (8,650 points)
MIDI automation is a must for my bands to be able to use The Show Page live! Without MIDI automation The Show Page is useless for us for gigs and tours.

The CC automation controls the DMXIS VST that controls the synchronized light show for the entire performance.

MIDI notes and CCs control the effect changes for TC VoiceLive and physical guitar pedals.