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Show Page Midi CC Automation

+57 votes
asked Apr 23, 2022 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by roberttimms (230 points) 1 flag
In the show page, it would be very helpful if you could be able to add Midi CC changes to External Instrument Players.

For instance, the Line 6 Helix line of products use PC changes for patch changes, but CC69 to change snapshots (which are like slight changes to settings within your patches). The way it is now, you are able to change patches on the Helix, but not snapshots. Helix patch changes give a small gap between changes, but Snapshot changes are seamless.

I know you can assign CC69 to a knob or fader in the "Controls" section of the show page, but if you are using it to automatically change during a track, that is not helpful.

9 Answers

+6 votes
answered May 7, 2022 by ericthompson (950 points)
Yup its a "show stopper" I hope it comes out post haste.  Its the reason most bands upgraded to 5
+9 votes
answered Mar 30, 2023 by juhanisuominen (350 points)
I’m 100% with you on this one! I just created a Show for my band and was really disappointed to find out that you can’t send MIDI CC commands from a regular midi-track from inside the Show page.. I’m sure the Patches work for some, but for us they just aren’t enough as we are using Quad Cortexes with the majority of the tone switching happening using the Scenes and not actual Presets to make sure there are no gaps when switching to different sounds. Also no way to automatically control stuff like expression pedals, which is a bummer.

Please PreSonus make it possible to send midi commands in the Show page, just as it is possible in the Song page, by assigning custom CC commands with custom values to a midi track!
+10 votes
answered Apr 2, 2023 by juandavidartalrangel (1,330 points)
I really want and need this feature to both control guitar effects, lights and video. I hope they add it soon
+8 votes
answered Oct 1, 2023 by dongyangliu (630 points)

Please PreSonus!!!

+6 votes
answered Oct 7, 2023 by jonathancreed (420 points)
I need this also. I assumed show page would have it all ready. I don't understand how they could have released it without that feature.
+3 votes
answered Oct 23, 2023 by maw92 (600 points)
Yeah, actually a big bummer that this is not already possible!

Currently building a session for a band i'm working with. they also play quadcortex.

Probably sticking to Ableton as long as S1 doesn't offer this feature.
+2 votes
answered Feb 29, 2024 by garybradley1 (780 points)
Yes. Needed for external device control. Bizarre that it's missing! Seriously thinking of moving to Cantabile. Tx
+4 votes
answered Mar 31, 2024 by classicax (340 points) 1 flag
Agree this is a MAJOR deficiency of the show page.  Really disappointing considering in song mode CC automation is there.  Is it really that hard to add simple change control MIDI msgs or does PreSonus not fully understand what performing musicians need?
+5 votes
answered Apr 22, 2024 by michaelalandawson (1,430 points)
In addition to CC changes, we need to be able to send MIDI note commands.