Questions & Answers

Time change from 2/4 to 2/2 and back.

+1 vote
asked Aug 19, 2021 in Notion Feature Requests by harrymingels (1,000 points)
Time signature change from 2/4 to 2/2 and vice versa. Hi, I first asked the question below to Presonus support and then got their response. To make things clear, I'm adding my question and answer in this PreSonus Community Forum. I have a question and actually a wish for a future update from Notion regarding size change..... (Unfortunately I can't find this option below in any other music notation program)!! I regularly come across that a piece of music is notated in 2/4 time signature. Now I would like to see the same piece of music notated in 2/2 time signature. Since the quarter note has 1 beat in 2/4 time signature, and a half beat in 2/2 time signature, things like doubling the tempo, and doubling the note/rest values ​​will have to take place. The reverse of 2/2 to 2/4 also occurs.! Question: Is it possible to replace the note/rest values ​​with the notes and residuals for the other time signature, and vice versa? Only the tempo will have to be doubled / halved, but that can also be automated.! This addition to the music nation software seems to be a major challenge for the Presonus development team. (as said.. nobody has included this function in their music notation program until now)! I am hoping for a positive response. Answer by Preson's support: Thank you for contacting PreSonus Support. When the bottom number changes in a time signature, the value of notes must be half or double to get the pulse in each. preserve. For example, in 2/4, two 1/4 notes and a half note would be written as 2 half notes and a whole note in 2/2. If the piece is already in 2/4. has been written, and it now wants to be translated to 2/2 for more accurate reading, for example with some Brazilian music like Frevo or Samba, which should be written in 2/2, but is rare, then in Notion you can't just change the timestamp in 2/2 and will notation automatically translate. This is not possible. The piece must be edited manually to change the note values ​​and rest values. This can be done by selecting the correct note value and then dragging and dropping it onto the incorrect note and the value should change. It is critical to have the timestamp changed first. This would be a time consuming process and would effectively rewrite the work. However, we think it would be great to have a feature that automatically recalculates note and rest values ​​in this scenario. Regards, Harry M.          2021-08-19