Questions & Answers

Align Loopback names with Mix names in Revelator io24

+3 votes
asked Sep 21, 2021 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by jamescarpenter4 (210 points)
edited Sep 21, 2021 by jamescarpenter4
The current naming of the loopback and mixer outputs is very confusing for a newbie like me.

I eventually figured out that in multi-mode:

Revelator IO 24 {USB 1/2} shows up as playback (or whatever I name it) on input, but is feed by Mix A on the output.

Revelator IO 24 Virtual A {USB 3/4} shows up as Virtual A on input (or whatever I name it), but is feed by Mix B on the output.

Revelator IO 24 Virtual B {USB 5/6} shows up as Virtual B on input (or whatever I name it), but is feed by Mix C on the output.

This naming scheme is extremely confusing.

It would be far less confusing if the loopback naming letters aligned with the mixer output labels. Why not simply have the three loopbacks be named Revelator IO 24 Virtual A, Revelator IO 24 Virtual B, and Revelator IO 24 Virtual C? The output mix names would then line up perfectly with the input names.

I am running macOS Big Sur on an older macbook pro laptop.


Here is a copy of my notes below which explains my eventual settings.

StreamMix must be selected for all of mixer to work.

The output channel has:

Main: The analog output intended for speakers on the back of the device

MixA: Goes into laptop as Revelator IO 24 {USB 1/2}

MixB: Goes into laptop as Revelator IO 24 Virtual A (bit confusing) {USB 3/4}

MixC: Goes into laptop as Revelator IO 24 Virtual B (bit confusing) {USB 5/6}


In mixer:

Make sure Virtual A is muted in Mix A.

->This will avoid a feedback loop. Remember Virtual A in is actually USB 3/4

->Mix A is what is going out to Zoom.


Audio Delay:

USB 1/2: 4.00ms (as measured)

Seems to currently set same delay for everything when I set one.

Delay setting deactivates Voice FX.


Roles of each Mix:

Mix Main: Not currently used (unless patching into ATEM Mini)

Mix A: Controls what Zoom participants will hear

Mix B: Controls what I will typically monitor for myself.

Mix C: Not currently used


Desired Zoom settings:

Microphone: Revelator IO 24  (gets output from StreamMix being placed on USB 1/2)

Speaker: Revelator IO 24 Virtual A (goes into mixer as Virtual A {USB 3/4})

Also want Original Sound On.


Desired Amazon Music settings:

output: Revelator IO 24 Virtual B {USB 5/6}


Desired System Sound settings:

Output: Revelator IO 24 {USB 1/2} (shows up in playback input channel on mixer)

Input: Revelator IO 24 (gets output from StreamMix being placed on USB 1/2)