Questions & Answers

Faderport 8 fader values jumping when start dragging

+1 vote
asked Oct 3, 2021 in FaderPort 8 by salvattore001 (210 points)
using FaderPort 8 with protools and cubase.

say the fader's level for a channel is in -3 and i want to turn it up. sometimes, nearly always, when i start draggin up the fader the value would jump to a value like -3,8 and after that it would begin turning up from that value. this make the faderport totally unrealiable, specially for fine adjustment.

i've already made a factory reset, tried different faders speed and sensitivities

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 15, 2023 by brayanpicoyvalerio (200 points)

I had that problem, it was solved by raising my feet off the floor, because the faders work with capacitance or something like that
