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Patch reset at every restart SL 3 24R

–1 vote
asked Jun 12, 2024 in StudioLive Series III by maartendelange1 (110 points)

we use our 24R in monitor mode and our 24 console as FOH console. They are connected via a network cable to communicate. Console's clock is on "internal", 24R on "Network stream".

Every time we turn on our 24R all our patching is reset to the standard patching but in UC the "Input Source" tab shows the correct type of source still. We tried saving projects, scenes, making a back up and we make sure to soft power it off. I also factory reset the 24R. Nothing helps.

If I have my notebook connected, I can recall a project manually and it is back to what it should be. But, i do not want to have my notebook connected every time i start the box. I just want it to automatically load this latest project with all my patching decisions.

On a side note, we always start the console first, then the 24R while they are connected already. I also noticed that sometimes the console's clock switched back to Network stream.

Does anyone know how to fix this?