Questions & Answers

Cannot get Windows computer to connect to Studiolive 24R

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asked Jan 13 in StudioLive Series III by TechTeam8723 (160 points)
I have a brand new Srudiolive 24R and a brand new HP Windows laptop to control it. I also have a vey new Dell desktop. I first tried to connect the 24R to the laptop but in Universal Control I can see the 24R but I just get an 'egg timer' circling on the right hand side and I can see no way of firing up UC Surface which I need to control the mixer. Presonus support keep saying the driver needs updating manually but I have attempted this without success. So I then tried connecting the 24R to me Dell desktop at home and exactly the same thing happened. Device Manager shows the 24R under other devices and the driver properties show a driver version of I have a screen shot showing UC and device manager info but cant see an option to attach it here. Please can anyone on here advise a solution? .

1 Answer

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answered Jan 13 by TechTeam8723 (160 points)
Fixed it, was not updating sub.