Questions & Answers

Studio one has various bugs when working with video

+7 votes
asked Oct 26, 2021 in Studio One 5 by christianskolimovski (640 points)
I'm on windows 10 i5, 8gb, Studio One 5.4. Since ever the software presents malfunction when working with video. When I load a video in a project it mutes studio one on the Windows Mixer. When I import the audio from the video, it doesn't mute the video, even if the video is muted.

When it comes to producing and composing Studio one is great, but the simplest thing with a video causes a mayhem. I hope this feature is fixed soon

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2021 by egorterekhov (280 points)
I`m having a serious problem too in s1 5.4 when working with video. All codec are fine. I tried to extract audio from video before importing to s1)

But S1 always crashing. I`m thinking of switching to Reaper(