Questions & Answers

Can you burn cds through Studio One?

+1 vote
asked Oct 28, 2021 in Studio One 5 by ericshort (550 points)
I've been trying to burn a project to a CD through Studio One so the image and tracks and stuff will come up automatically when it's read by cd players (I've had Studio One for about a year but this is my first time using Burn CD instead of Digital Release). I keep the speed on 10, I've tried checking and unchecking the 3 boxes (Use test Write, Burn Proof, Temporary Image) and it still crashes. I'm using version 5.4.166992. Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this? Also, if I do this through Studio One, will automatically populate track info and album art onto the cd?  I have Windows 10 64-bit.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 25, 2021 by tothrec (32,310 points)
I don't get many requests to burn CD's these days, but it's always worked without crashing.

Sounds like you should open a ticket with Presonus and get that sorted out.

Is there an error message that pops up during the burn process or does Studio One just disappear?

As far as the information goes, the track information is based upon the tracks you import into the Project.  Album art and other meta data need to be added manually.