Questions & Answers

Sending track names to plugins

+3 votes
asked Nov 29, 2021 in Studio One 5 by Marc (620 points)
Studio One doesent send track names to plugins such as the CLA MixHub.
Is there a possibility to integrate this in the future?

Kind regards

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2021 by KevinElib (2,030 points)
Nice feature request. Would also love to see a better way to rename events same as channel name. I hate hitting the shift key before I hit enter. That should be something I can enable in settings.
+1 vote
answered Nov 28, 2023 by JoshPowell7450 (300 points)
Yeah, it appears from the forums that this has been an issue for almost 5 yrs now. Disheartening to start using a new DAW, expecting to have this feature and see that users are being ignored in this way. :(