Questions & Answers

Auto color script (in the preferences tab)

+11 votes
asked Jan 30, 2022 in Look and Feel by dominikschiller (2,250 points)
Hi folks ;)

I assume that most of you have a specific color palette that you associate with different instruments. I for instance color code all my drums blue, guitars greenish, etc.

Especially for mixing engineers that have to do organizational tasks so that they can better navigate through large projects.

It would be nice to have a preference list that can be customized and programmed to be executed in the background (when importing and adding tracks).

So the list could contain alternative naming schemes to maximize the probability to serve the most scenarios (e. g kick, Bass Drum, BD, etc.)

In the preference list, there could be arguments to specify the use case scenario (implementation: only when importing, when adding tracks, or both; or even when track names get changed)

As well in the list, there could be a group function (to assign tracks to a group; pack them to a folder (the name is customizable), adding a buss to the folder/or sub buss for the tracks.

Have a nice day, fellow musicians ;)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 8, 2022 by andrei_tuduran (540 points)
This feature is really handy!
