Questions & Answers

How to reduce number of mixers

0 votes
asked Feb 17, 2022 in Studio One 5 by paulsmith10 (160 points)

I'm using Artist version of Studio One 5.

How do I reduce the number of mixers?  The song really only has about 16 tracks but when I click on Mix it shows 64 tracks.  Most of these tracks are not being used.  Can I remove non-working tracks?  If so, how?

Currently I can see tracks that were only instruments that I tried and then changed to a different instrument.  I don't need all these copies of track/sliders.

Looking forward to any advise.

Thanks, Paul

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 17, 2022 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
It sounds like you might have multiple instruments being used on tracks instead of replacing them. If that's the case you might want to make sure you're replacing an instrument instead of adding/combining. But of course, I have no way of knowing.

You can click on 'inst' on the far left area of the mixer to see all instruments. If you expand them you can add remove mixer channels for the instruments  using the check boxes (so you can separate kick, snare, hats... from the same drum VST into different mixer channels) or recombine them. You can also remove the instruments using this area. I'm not sure what your setup is but this is where I would recommend starting.