Questions & Answers

Intermittent connection (dropouts) with NSB 16.8 Stage Box and Studiolive III 16 mixer

+1 vote
asked Mar 14, 2022 in Networked Stage Box by jonswift (440 points)
We have been using the StudioLive Mixer and NSB stage box for over a year without problems. I use it for dum mics. 1 month ago  all channels in stage box started to drop out for about 5 seconds every 5-10 min.  When this happens lights are still on box.  At board and on iPad, all channels coming into box "freeze" as signal drops out.This would result in loss of signal in monitors and recording. Not using in live situation so not sure about mains.  Inputs into the rest of the board were ok with no dropout. I saw the other article which was nearly identical and looks like a ticket was opened.

We Tried multiple restarts. Upgraded firmware to StudioLive and Stage box.  Then Changed ethernet cables and also purchased a new Insignia CAT6 meeting presonus requirements.

After this trouble shooting, the problem is actually worse.

The signal is now dropping out every 5 seconds or so with a click for a fraction of a second.  Also, the green light on the Studiolive network screen goes out about every 30 seconds for a second or 2.  I have a video of this.

Where do we go from here?


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 8, 2022 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
selected Apr 21, 2022 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
Sounds like you have done all you can on the hardware side.  This may be a long shot, have you tried changing the turn-on sequence of your gear?  It's possible one of the firmware upgrades (console or NSB) may have changed when it is expecting to "see" a target/stream.  Unfortunately, sounds like a ticket needs to be open with Presonus.