Questions & Answers

Wav files missing on relaunch. Studio One 2 Pro, Windows 7 Pro, Tascam US-1800. Contributed WAV files tracked in cubase

0 votes
asked Apr 13, 2016 in Studio One 3 by wwFUN (150 points)
Studio One 2 Pro

Have WAV files from a contributor in another state.

After saving a session, and closing the program, relaunching studio one shows files not found where the transients should be.

The graphics / outline is still there, but no audio.

These are stereo files, tracked in cubase.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 26, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
When you receive the error message, there should be an option to navigate to the location of the .wav data.  If you know where the files are, please navigate to them.  If you open Studio One and go to Studio One>Options>Locations>User Data, you will see a checkbox that you can check to have the program prompt you to copy external files when saving a song.  If you check this box, all media files will be copied to the "Media" folder inside of the Song folder that you are working on and you will not have this problem.

*If all else fails, please go into Documents>Studio One>Songs and delete the folder named "cache."  This will be re-build when you re-open the song.