Questions & Answers

Sound quality StudioLive III vs. 16.0.2 Classic mixer

0 votes
asked Apr 12, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by theonijland (200 points)
Are there major differences in sound quality between the StudioLive III series and the Classic 16.0.2 USB mixer? They seem to share  a similar preamp design.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 15, 2022 by robertweston2 (7,470 points)
selected Apr 21, 2022 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
It's very relative in how one determines the quality of pre-amps, due to various listening conditions.  Having used the 16.0.2 a handful of times (years ago) and now using the StudioLive III (much more often), the pre-amps sounds nearly the same to me; another way of saying it, I don't notice anything bad/questionable with either of the pre-amps on the boards.

However, my experience with these consoles is live sound only and on various FOH speakers; if you are using these consoles for recording, you could notice a difference between them.