Questions & Answers

Instrument Edit Screen is annoyingly too wide in Studio One 5 compared to version 3 - See Request #745432

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asked Apr 13, 2022 in Studio One 5 by mikemcquillan (120 points)

When I edit a 4 bar loop of notes to get a melody and rhythm to my liking, there is a lot of wasted space on the left hand side. The keyboard is unnecessarily much wider than in version 3.
This means that to look at the notes closely while playing the loop, the screen has to keep changing which is very, very annoying.
I have attached screen shots to show you the difference.
When I "upgraded" to version 5 I certainly didn't expect my Editing experience to become painfully slower.
Please make the keyboard and/or the information column on the left horizontally resizable or just return them to the width that they were in version 3.
Please do this in a version 5 patch release so that I don't have to purchase version 6 to retain this comfort in editing.
