Questions & Answers

Universal Control app for iOS to edit parameters of the io44 on iPad or iPhone

+3 votes
asked Apr 25, 2022 in Revelator Series by christiandimarco (230 points)


Can you please create an iOS app (iPad and iPhone) for the Revelators audio interfaces to make changes to the Fat Channel, presets, etc? I'm not talking about the UC Surface app; need something for when using the audio interface with iOS device. Basically the Universal Control program on iOS. I want to be able to tweak the DSP on the iPad without needing to connect to the computer every time. 

I have the Steinberg UR22c, which has a dedicated app on iPad and iPhone that can be used to view the mixer, change routing and modify the DSP settings. I was in the market for something compact, so just purchased the io44. I’ve now realised there is no app on iOS to change the DSP settings - the only way is connect to the computer and use Universal Control, which is annoying when I’m using the audio interface in the field.
