Questions & Answers

do i have to upgrade to studio one 5?

+1 vote
asked Apr 26, 2022 in Studio One 5 by meangreen619 (150 points)

Hello, i am currently using an imac 21.5" Mid 2011 runnung Mac os High Sierra version 10.13.6 with the latest version of Studio One 4. Can i successfully  continue using this setup without problems, cause i'd prefer not upgrading to studio one version 5?           

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 27, 2022 by wesleypeterson (21,030 points)
I use windows so I can't tell you a 100%. As long as your song or project isn't saved in a version of studio one past the one your using, you can't open songs made with S1 5 with version 4, you shouldn't have a problem. The only issue I can think would be caused by Apple and their dislike for backwards compatibility. So if you want to stay with Version 4, just stay with it until Apple won't let it run. S1 5 can open 4's projects, so if you need to update later on it shouldn't be a big deal. Until then just keep 4.