Questions & Answers

Convert Part Automation to Track Automation

+6 votes
asked May 5, 2022 in MIDI Editing by penguin42 (1,290 points)
Having instrument/midi moves recorded into part automation by default is useful, but part automation can also be limiting. Sometimes there are reasons to want to work with the data as Track automation instead (for example this related request

A very simple and useful function would be to convert part automation -> track automation.  Currently you can work around this by doing copy-and-paste, but it's awkward and you can mess up the timing. Right click and convert would be very useful!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2022 by fransaartsen (610 points)
Hi penguin42,

You mention messing up the timing when pasting. Have you tried pasting in place with Ctrl+Shift+V?