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closed [Completed 3.3]Hide and make inactive tracks. One click function.

+42 votes
asked Apr 14, 2016 in Completed Feature Requests by seanyurick (380 points)
closed Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley
I know Studio One can hide tracks, but I'd like the ability to simply hide and make inactive software instrument tracks including all of the additional processing on the strip. Either a right-click function, or in the menu drop down. Hides the track from the arranger, and turns off all processing (instruments, plug-ins, sends, etc.). Keeps momentum going and saves CPU when the sessions start getting massive. This is also a ProTools function, and is used by countless engineers. If you'd like to convert more ProTools engineers over to Studio One 3, then this is one of those functions they'll want to be able to do.

The other function is the previous one I mentioned about aux send strips being able to be saved as presets, and to be able to drop multiple sends on multiple tracks at once. Cheers!
closed with the note: Completed in 3.3  [Make hide and disable macro]

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
Completed in 3.3
0 votes
answered Apr 24, 2016 by simon48 (1,060 points)
Yup, this is available on the overpriced Pro Tools and clunky Cubase. The option to hide AND disable a track, not just Mute it (where it can obviously be accidentally unmuted by global unmute), gets my vote. I have wasted so much time hunting for one hidden track among many from an alternative mix which has suddenly started playing again! PLUS ONE :-)
0 votes
answered May 3, 2016 by brinaddison (260 points)
This is an indespensable feature! Muting and hiding the track is not the answer because of the reasons stated... global unmute could end up being a nightmare. Deactivating tracks is like pulling the plug, it can always be plugged back in if needed but accidentally unmuting a hidden track is just asking for trouble.