Questions & Answers

Transfer Shows between computers - problem with Instruments Patching

+5 votes
asked May 23, 2022 in Studio One 5 by jooramos7 (260 points)
edited May 23, 2022 by jooramos7


I'm currently using Studio One 5 Professional for live concerts with my band. The thing is that we want a backup computer with the same setup, so if anything fails, we have another one ready to swap.

The problem: when we copy the Show from one computer to another, we lose ALL patches for each player, as the Virtual Instruments do not exist with the same exact configuration.

Example: we have a MIDI configuration for the following devices - Roland TD-50X, TC Helicon VoiceLive, Line 6 Helix LT and Line 6 Helix. Each device corresponds to a Virtual Instrument. We have 4 players, and for each "column"/song we have a different patch. Besides, when we open the project in another computer, Studio One can't find the same exact Virtual Instruments, and cannot load any patch. So we have to rebuild all patches by hand (33 songs * 4 instruments = 132 settings!).

Possible solutions: Have an export/import mechanism like I/O Configurations, to transport all Virtual Instruments settings?

Can you please help me? We are desperate to get this working freely.

Thanks for your attention.

Kind regards,

João Ramos

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 23, 2022 by jooramos7 (260 points)
edited May 24, 2022 by jooramos7
Best answer

EDIT: I found a "dirty" way to fix this. I recreated all Virtual Instruments in the new computer, and replaced the Instance IDs by the old ones under the MusicDevices.settings. Other possibility would be to copy the entire UserDevices folder from old installation to the new one, and the MusicDevices.settings file as well.

0 votes
answered May 23, 2022 by wesleypeterson (20,940 points)
Thank you for posting your solution. I have the same problem with Kontakt and will be following your advice. Thank you.