Questions & Answers

I can't listen/record spdif on my STUDIO 1810C

+2 votes
asked May 27, 2022 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by didierlapchin (140 points)

I 've just bought a 1810c today, to replace my focusrite 6i6.

I can't listen or record SPDIF. No sound at all.

It worked very well on the Focurite,

Here is the channel :

Guitar => Line6 Helix LT => SPDif Input of the 1810c.

I tried with clock internal and spdif; nothing work. Could you help me ?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2023 by guidohennecke (140 points)
The problem is not the Presonus audio interface but that it's more strict in regards to the impedance and signal voltage. AES is different to S/PDIF and the Presonus audio interface doesn't accept the signal if you just use an XLR => RCA adapter cable. But I can confirm that it works with my setup and this cable:

My setup: Guitar => Line6 Helix LT AES/EBU out => Presonus Studio 1824c S/PDIF in.

From support I gut the information that it should work with the following adapter and cable:

But I didn't test it.