Questions & Answers

closed sands and cue mix

0 votes
asked Jun 2, 2022 in Mixing by marcomonchi (2,320 points)
closed Jun 4, 2022 by marcomonchi
Hi I am the spokesperson for many professionals.
we wondered with some perplexity, how you thought about the routing of the cue mix.
the idea is good. but many are looking for a solution that is not there.
I believe your choice, sharable or not,
to have the send not usable in the cue mix.
I'll explain.
I was told
that it would make the difference one step forward from other daw's.
the current state
we have example, 1) made the voice of luisa 2) created a channel
fx1 where we have the reverb 3) assigned the reverb fx1 to the send of the luisa channel .... adjusted ....
4) if I send (cue mix) to the headphones the sands disappears, but not from the master.
one would say that the cue mix is ​​after the insert, since the fx inserts arrive in the headphones,
but before the send ....
It would be in your / our favor,
being able to select whether the cue mix is ​​before or after the sand .... as needed ....
I hope I have clarified the point
we want to hear the entire track including the insert effects and sands (actually not possible) in the headphones otherwise
what does it mean?
knowing that you are the best we trust you
all the best ... Marco Monchi and the community of aficionados.please vote vote vote is important for all of us!!!
closed with the note: ,(I give an answer after I resolve the question to the user of the link that is for me what I was looking for ) )