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Studio One vst not receiving midi sustain signal (midi monitor did recognize the sustain signal )

+1 vote
asked Oct 4, 2022 in Studio One 5 by andrewtan2 (130 points)

Hi everyone, i have a very confusing and frustrating problem, i am actually not use studio one that much, still new to this DAW, although i have use studio one 4 before, but it is long time ago, now i finally got some space on my PC to install and try it out, and i install the new studio one 5, but don't know why the vst didn't recognize the sustain midi signal, i've got check the midi monitor, i found out that the DAW actually did recognize the sustain signal, but the vst just don't, i try so many different vst, same problem, is anyone know what happen and help me out, and BTW, i am still trying out and considering whether i want to change my DAW to studio one or not, so i haven't buy yet, so my version is the free version Studio one Prime, i don't think it matter with this, but just mention it out, just in case it really does matter with the version.This is the screenshot i take, the midi monitor on the left side clearly show that i am pressing the pedal, so the parameter is on the 127, but  the vst on the right side which is a piano vst, it don't recognize at all

This is the screenshot i take, the midi monitor on the left side clearly show that i am pressing the pedal, so the parameter is on the 127, but  the vst on the right side which is a piano vst, it don't recognize at all

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 23, 2022 by Bill Pillmore (240 points)
Same here on the PRESENCE instrument.
0 votes
answered Oct 23, 2022 by Bill Pillmore (240 points)

Solved     Uncheck "Controller" filter on MIDI device settings inside Studio One.  Under edit midi device in External devices
