Questions & Answers


+5 votes
asked Oct 13, 2022 in Atom Pad Controllers by floriangratton (170 points)
I just bought the ATOM. I do between 50 and 100 gigs per year. I can't have the pad lights on stage when I don't play.

Have I any solution or did I just waste my money on some gear that I can't geek around with.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 11, 2023 by GTRtice (4,930 points)
What's the issue with the lights? Just don't want it showing anything when you're not using it? If so, I get that.
+1 vote
answered Apr 23, 2023 by pauloluz (660 points)
Presonus, I'm going blind with these blue Atom lights that never go out. Resolve, resolve, resolve. I don't need a light cannon on my desk. How about hanging up with Studio One? It's perfect.
If they don't RESOLVE DEFINITELY, after so much time and requests, we'll look for another manufacturer that respects the consumer.