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Separate areas of the same shortcuts

+3 votes
asked May 15, 2023 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by el1704a (380 points)

After switching from Logic Pro, I have been trying to deal with hot keys for 3 months now. Combinations just end .. In Logic, as far as I understand, there are areas in which the same keys work. For example, I'm in the loop browser and when I press the space bar, the arrangement starts playing, not the loops from the browser. And so on. In my opinion, it would be convenient if the hot keys were divided into areas. For example, the M key in the Arrange window is responsible for one function, and the same M key in the Edit window is responsible for another function. And some global keys work in all areas.
For me, this is one of the main stones of prejudice, because of which I still doubt whether I should stay in the studio1.

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Sep 3, 2023 by tothrec (32,310 points)
So basically you are asking to have Studio One to behave more like Logic?

Go to Keyboard Shortcuts and look at the bottom right-hand corner.

Open Keyboard mapping scheme and choose Logic.
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2024 by AlexIk5938 (1,130 points)
This is a very nice request; it's strange that the community is so inert.

Let me give extra example. I have the operation 'Hide Track' assigned to the 'H' key. But there is a similar function in the console - 'Hide Channel.' It would make sense for the same 'H' key to be assigned to these two functions - hide the track if I'm in the arrangement window or hide the channel if the console window is in front of me.

A better example would be the 'Delete' button. It's strange that to delete an event, I can press Delete, but to delete a track I have to come up with another combination, when deleting a channel in the console - the third, and so on, there are many things I could delete with just one key "Delete".

Regards, Alex.