Questions & Answers

Keyboard Shortcut Hotlist/Private List

+2 votes
asked Nov 3, 2022 in Editing by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
It would be handy to have a personal list, where you can add your favorite and most used keyboard shortcuts.You can open this list, looking at it permanently to remember/having an overview or to modify it. Also clicking on one shortcut/macro on the list it is working. The list should be devidable with different headlines and with seperated macros for a better overview. This list should show the command, the assigned key(s) and the kategory if it has one.

Beside that there could be a picture of a keyboard where all the used keys of you personal shortcuts on your own list are green on it and all the not used white.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2022 by princeagrawal (14,010 points)
Yeah. Would be very useful, especially for planning out your keyboard shortcuts in a systematic manner. Upvoted.
I have seen some people just downvoting stuff here for no reason. Can't believe this had a downvote before i upvoted it.