Questions & Answers

A shortcut to show or select all tracks with the same color

+1 vote
asked Aug 30, 2023 in Editing by dotcom12161984 (4,490 points)
If all of my vocals have purple/violet track colors i want to be able to create a macro that Shows all tracks with that color....but i also want to be able to add different if my drums are a shade of orange, and my instruments are a shade of light blue i want to be able to press those shortcuts or make have shortcuts already in place with combinations that i would use to mix.....this is easier than having to create and update scenes.  Folders even have an option to automatically color the tracks.  I also want Bus Channels to have the ability to automatically color the audio tracks connected to the bus....NOT the color of the bus, because i want all of my busses to have the same color and separate each bus group in the mix window so they stand out. Example: all of my busses are black.....any audio or instrument tracks connected to drum bus become shade of orange selected, any audio tracks connected to instrument bus are light blue, etc etc. and if there's a Percussion bus in my drum bus then the color of the audio tracks connected to that bus are whatever color is specified for the percussion bus not the drum bus.....but all of the busses remain black or whatever color i choose them to be.

Why? quickly see just what you want to see in the console, main window, and on whatever mixing controller you may be using.