Questions & Answers

How do I intialize Studio 24C?

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asked Nov 15, 2022 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by brucegriffin (180 points)
I have been a Studio One 5 user for many months.My Interface is Studio 24C and my operating system is Windows 10. I was having a few latency issues, and I looked at Options< audio device< Control panel, and there I was asked if I wished to update. I did, and, now, when I try to make "Studio USB" my selected audio device , I get an error message stating "The audio device Studio USB can not be initialised". and the only audio device recognised is "Windows Audio", and my latency problems are worse than ever! Is there anything I can do to resolve the problem ? What would happen if I uninstalled Studio One and then re-installed it? Please help!I'm a desparate man at this point! Thanx bruce