Questions & Answers

Expand Note Fx: Adding Bass, Motif, and Melody AI Generators

+2 votes
asked Dec 12, 2022 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by michaelelliott16 (430 points) 1 flag
edited Dec 12, 2022 by michaelelliott16

Expand on Note Fx features (built-in Arppegiator etc.).  In this way fewer VSTs would be needed and they would work in perfect sync with the Chord Track (and also The Arranger Track).  Please add Bass, Motif, and Melody AI generators to compliment the Arpeggiator.

Adding these features to Note Fx would complete its ability to quickly create a song with AI assistance.  It would be yet another reason to go with Studio One.

EDIT: Since the Arpeggiator can be rendered to MIDI, perhaps this feature can be achieved by just enhancing the Arpeggiator.

Thank you.
