Questions & Answers

Indicator on track in trackview that it's chnnel is muted

+5 votes
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Mixing by idhaouqv (670 points)
edited Feb 7, 2023 by idhaouqv
Channel can have multiple tracks but without opened mixer there is no way to know if track's channel is muted.
Global mute info on track view is not enough..

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Feb 5, 2023 by tothrec (32,280 points)
I created three tracks and routed them to a new bus (channel).

When I solo one of the tracks, the channel's Solo lights up.

When I solo the channel, the solo button on the three tracks light up.

What am I missing?
+1 vote
answered Feb 6, 2023 by idhaouqv (670 points)
Tried again and solo is working as expected (all tracks and channels are marked corectly).no matter of soloing in track view or channel in mixer.

But problem persists on mute. When I mute channel, track have no mark that its channel is muted.
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2023 by tothrec (32,280 points)
That's a bug!  Here's the ticket I created:

1. Insert Impact (it creates one Instrument track and multiple Channels)

2. Open the Console

3. Mute any of the Impact Channels

Expected: The Impact Track Mute lights up

Actual: only the global "something is muted" indicator lights up