This feature is wreaking my workflow. When trying to mix and its constantly expanding because my double click is too slow and becomes a royal pain in the @#$#. I spend more time having to keep collapsing this nightmare built in feature. Please for the love of mixing Presonus Fix this broken workflow.
Please allow the user to reverse the single with a double click for expand and collapse. Users are constantly going into plugins so make that the priority "single" mouse click to "Open/Close a Plugin" and change that useless expand and collapse to a double click (secondary user action ). If not that allow the user to disable it in options at least.
I LOVE doing music in studio one, but I HATE this unconfigurable feature in studio one. I should be able to single mouse click on a plugin to make it come up, that's a quality of life fix and put this collapse/expand to a secondary roll requiring a mouse double click. problem solved.