Questions & Answers

please add the ability to shrink the width of tracks on console

+10 votes
asked Feb 17, 2023 in Recording by bentravis (860 points)
Hi all.  

I would love to have the ability to shrink the width of selected tracks in the console view.  Cakewalk Sonar used to have this, and I loved it.  I know it's possible to "narrow" all the tracks at once, but that's not what I mean.

What I mean, for example, is that I would leave the main drum bus its current width, but shrink all the drum tracks to maybe half their width or whatever makes sense, so that I can see more of my overall tracks at once on the console.  I have discovered the ability to hide everything that's in a folder unless the folder is opened, which is fairly similar, but it would be nice to have this functionality as well sometimes.  

Maybe everything inside a folder could either be "narrowed" or "normal" sized, kind like you can easily "group" or "ungroup" everything inside a folder.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 23, 2023 by gottfriedbergmair (16,530 points)

I have voted for this feature, because it would be great if we had more shrink/grow options.

A cool feature would be, if we could toggle the shrink state of multi-out instruments.

Or if we could shrink/grow all busses or otherwise grouped channels.

But note: You can already shrink/grow individual channels:

1) Hit the shrink button <> to shrink all channels (= activate shrink mode).

2) Doubel click on those channels you want to shrink or grow. You can select multiple channels.
