Questions & Answers

Can you send aux mixes to more than (2) Stage Boxes?

0 votes
asked Mar 13, 2023 in StudioLive Series III by bwg50 (150 points)
I am working in a church setting and using 3 stage boxes.  For location of the box and convenience, is it possible to send Aux Mixes to the 3rd box?   I can see the 3rd box in the remote setup, however cant seem to get it to work.  I was going to attempt to assign the 3rd box to the channels 41-48.    If this is NOT possible please tell me, so I can figure out another solution.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2023 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
Best answer
You can assign 41-48 to multiple boxes, they'll just be getting the same aux 1-8 in the output.