Questions & Answers

Notion page on Studio one 6?

+14 votes
asked Mar 27, 2023 in Score Editor by juansebastianvargasmontoya (590 points)
We have discussed a lot if Notion 7 will be release one day or if just the Notion software just were abandoned, and thinking as composer and user of the presonus software (studio one and Notion) for so many years, it would be awesome to get a brand new Notion license that you can purchase as an add-on integrated to studio one, something like a Notion page resembling the "project page" or the "show page". I Know that the score edit function could be something similar but it is so far of being as functional as an actual notation software where you can prepare score and parts for orchestras and similar ensembles.

1 Answer

+8 votes
answered Mar 28, 2023 by johnwaylett (1,490 points)
The notation capability of Studio One is still very limited and its tedious to manipulate. It is essentially impractical to use for any serous composer who likes to work with notation in a DAW. Look at Dorico! A Studo One notation upgrade is desperately needed. We need composing features like Notion to significantly enhance our productivity while working with notation in Studio One.