Questions & Answers

I need presonus' api for developing programs

+3 votes
asked Apr 28, 2023 in Studio One 6 by qtfbhfwj (150 points)
edited Apr 29, 2023 by qtfbhfwj
  • Call studioone's api interface

I have some small features that I need to implement that other people might not necessarily use, so I'm going to develop my own

General DAW hosts have their own api but I haven't found it yet, if anyone knows where to download studioone's api please let me know

I'm used to using C/ C #/ C++ VS to edit programs

  • The official tutorial looks like this

You can visit the PreSonus developer website to view developer resources, including development documentation, SDKS, sample code, and forums.

Here's how to access the PreSonus developer site:

1. Open your Web browser and go to the PreSonus website (

2. On the home page of the PreSonus website, click the "Sign in" button in the upper right corner and log into your PreSonus account. If you don't already have a PreSonus account, click the Sign Up button to create a new one.

3. After logging in, click DEVELOP on the top navigation menu. This will take you to the home page of developer Resources.

4. Browse developer resources, such as SDK downloads, development documents, API references, and forums. Download the necessary development tools and resources and start developing your Studio One plug-ins and applications.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2023 by qcmjerix (1,250 points)

I don't know if you found it, but here it is: Developer | PreSonus Software

0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2023 by martialfoucault (880 points)
Hi, have you find the documentation. I'm also searching it.