Questions & Answers

Use the fx of my studiolive32SX with NSB 32.16

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asked May 29, 2023 in Networked Stage Box by stphanebaron1 (120 points)
Hi, I trie to use the fx of my Studiolive32SX with my NSB 32.16. All is ok but impossible to use the 4 fxs. I know there's a solution with the flexmix ans the avb sends. Is anybody can explain to me how to do that.

Thank you so much for your answer.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 6, 2023 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
The effects on the SX console are only with the console, not with the NSB box.  The NSB box has no control over the effects.

Any issues with effects are within the SX console.  Check to make sure you have setup the effects correctly.