Questions & Answers

Randomly occurring Static/scratching sound over StudioLive 32SC and NSB AVB Set-up?

+1 vote
asked Jul 23, 2024 in Networked Stage Box by jeremy68 (160 points)

I have installed an AVB audio system for a customer who has a large Multi-purpose room. The system is set up with video and audio inputs plugged into one NSB16.8. This is patched into a SW5E with the mixer. We have a link cable to another SW5E which plugs into another 16.8. This 16.8 has Microphone feed inputs and speaker outputs. The system has worked pretty well for about 2 years, but over the past couple months the customer complains of randomly occurring scratching noise coming from the speakers when trying to use any of the audio inputs wired into the 16.8s. the noise does not occur though when a source is plugged directly into the mixer. These issues seem to be resolved when all the AVB devices are power cycled.

Any Advice?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 25, 2024 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
selected Jul 31, 2024 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
If the system has worked well for about 2 years and now something is happening, sounds like it is related to a change at the customer's site.  Did the customer add any electronic equipment (motors, lighting, etc...) to the same circuit the sound system (or parts of the sound system) is on?  

There could be an issue with the connections for all the gear.  If not already, you (or maybe the customer), should go through and disconnect/reconnect/disconnect/reconnect all of the inputs/outputs of the entire system (including all network connections).  Anywhere there is a connection, it should be exercised.  

Also, it's assumed the network cabling is all Cat-5e (as a minimum)?