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Keyboardist needs best approach to connect Audiobox analog outputs to a PA for performances

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asked Aug 26, 2023 in AudioBox USB by tlhume (120 points)

Need advice on the following use case for to run multiple MIDI keyboard controllers and vocals through a computer + Audiobox to a Mixer/PA to support live performances:

Planned Configuration:
2 Novation Launchkeys (25 and 61 but could be any brand) + Novation Launchpad controller (again any pad controller will do
All above controllers w/ USB MIDI I/O to Windows 10 Laptop
+ Roland XP80 w/ 5 pin MIDI I/O  (or any hardware synth w/ 5 pin MIDI I/O) to AudioBox 96 MIDI in + out - Synth analog out to Mixer
+ 1 dynamic mic w/ XLR balanced cable to Audiobox Ch 2

Audiobox TRS balanced analog output L+R to XLR to Zoom LiveTrak L-20  Mixer Ch 1 (L) and Ch 2 (R) - could be any mixer
Mixer to active PA speakers with separate monitor mix sends to each musician

Other mixer channels used for Hardware synth analog signal, Vox/mic, guitar (DI) + mic on amp, bass (same as guitar), electronic drum kit

Software for MIDI keys and vox -> lappy and Audiobox rig
Ableton (could be any DAW or Gig Performer)
Synth plugins (varies) - all controlled by MIDI controllers to Audiobox - Analog Out Left Channel (Mono) to Mixer/PA Ch 1

vox to mic Ch 1 in Audiobox to laptop to Ableton to Antares Autotune and other FX - to Audiobox Analog Out Right Channel (Mono) to Mixer/PA Ch 2

Other loops, one shots, samples, backing tracks, etc from ableton

In addition to synths/MIDI controllers, I may also use a separate laptop and Audiobox for Guitar input, to Ableton to FX and live looping out to audiobox to mixer input.


  1. Has anyone used MIDI + Soft synths and Hardware synths -> Audiobox -> a Mixer PA for live performances and if so, how did it work and were there any considerations or advice or lessons learned about best practices?
  2. Has anyone used vocal mic alone or simultaneously with a synth -> Audiobox / Interface -> laptop -> ableton or other VST player for auto tune or add other FX to the live vocals -> Audiobox -> Mixer/PA - and if so, how did it work in a live performance? I know auto tune works on this rig with no latency issues. Should the vox monitor be the pitch corrected version or pitchy?
  3. Has anyone used a guitar -> Audiobox -> Laptop -> FX or amp sims or live looping with MIDI foot controllers -> Audiobox ->.Mixer/PA? Seems like it could be great replacement for a peddle board and stomp boxes
  4. anything else I don't know I don't know?

Thanks for any input. Even if it's just your thoughts or ideas about improvements around hardware, software, mixing, and monitoring for performances. 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2023 by MrTyke (320 points)
You've basically got the right idea. I use a Studio One 6 Show Page in a variety of ways but the closest to your keyboard setup is my e-Drum rig, I connect a Roland TD-9 over 5 pin DIN to Audiobox 22VSL which triggers Superior Drummer. Stereo Outputs of Audiobox go to DI boxes and to mixer inputs. I then get an IEM feed back. thus works well. I wouldn't run a mic through there as well though you could fun analogue outs from a hardware keyboard into the inputs of the Audiobox and mix that with the VST MIDI intruments.