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closed Copy plug-in automation data from track to track

+568 votes
asked May 10, 2016 in Completed Feature Requests by 4sounddk1003 (230 points)
recategorized Oct 2, 2023 by Fabian Kiesewetter
S1 lets you easily copy a plug-in complete with its settings from one track to another by simple drag operation. Neat. But what if you have automated parameters in said plug-in, and wish for those to follow along to the new track? This operation is extremely tedious, because you have to copy/paste the automation for each parameter more or less manually.

Would it not be possible to add a modifier-command, i.e. Option+Shift while dragging the plugin to the new track, by which the written automation for whatever parameters are automated get copied along to the new track?
closed with the note: Completed with Studio One 6.2. (Copy drag plug-ins with opt/alt to include Automation)

17 Answers

+11 votes
answered May 12, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)
selected Jun 26, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+2 votes
answered Aug 24, 2016 by SNS (2,090 points)
This should defo be added,it would make way more sense,maybe a option,asking if you want to copy the automation to new track as well
+1 vote
answered Aug 24, 2016 by danam2 (4,110 points)
+1 since I often move track fx to a bus.
+2 votes
answered Jul 22, 2017 by NathanAlexander1 (770 points)
Please, for the love of god do this. It's so tedious duplicating a track that has automation on it only to have to remap the automation if its a vst instrument.
+3 votes
answered Sep 11, 2017 by Scoox (17,290 points)

Copying automation would be a lot easier it it was contained in "automation clips", as requested on this other FR:

+2 votes
answered Feb 28, 2018 by stevenicel (3,930 points)

It needs to be another "right click" option associated to the sub-group "Duplicate". Along with other right click automation options like; Copy and Paste that work as needed. Pasting automation won't let you select a region as it will only paste from the first automation "node", not the whole region. So your automation ends up all out of whack when pasted unless you create a new node at the start of the a bar line before copying. That's a tedious process just to get automation into a place where we can use "Latch" mode again!

As of 27-2-18 pasting automation onto a lane still functions where it won't read back the automation just pasted unless you delete the complete "PART" automation lane first. Which means, if you have 10 regions of midi recorded with embedded "part" automation, you have to copy and paste each region out to the "TRACK LANE" just to be able to use "Latch" record. Painfully cumbersome if your workflow tracks automation moves during the recording phase (imperative when emulating live orchestral string and synth parts with expression), then touch up with Latch.

+2 votes
answered Jan 30, 2019 by mikaelpersson4 (600 points)
REEEly hoping for this!!!!
+1 vote
answered Mar 30, 2019 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
If we get automation events, this would be not just possible with saving&loading, it would also let us not tou8ching the original automation data.
+1 vote
answered Mar 30, 2019 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
Hi, this feature would be possible with automations events as suggested here PERFECTLY!!!!
+1 vote
answered Aug 24, 2019 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)

This AND EVEN MORE, would be possible if we get automation events! ... an-imagine

+1 vote
answered Jan 3, 2020 by mciv (1,090 points)

There is only one thing I miss from pro(amateur)tools - choosing parameter to automate (S1 could also use track filter instead random guessing one of million fxes used)/automation follow events/automation copy paste and what's most important, ability to see multiple automations and rearrange clips in the same time . In S1 (as of 3.5 because Windows 7) you can only see and edit one automation lane. And "edit" is too much said - I have multiple guitar track arrangements in tracks grouped, where group folder holds all fx, so fx automation is done there. And there is no way to duplicate track events without duplicating automation with them. It just sucks so badly, I suppose it would be supereasy to recode this part

+3 votes
answered Aug 23, 2020 by giuseppetria (1,450 points)
Still waiting for this feature.. Unbelievable
+2 votes
answered Nov 18, 2020 by gretalink (500 points)
Yes, please update the automation a bit more -- would LOVE automation events!
0 votes
answered Aug 30, 2022 by reidarjorgensen2021 (400 points)
Looks like Presonus listened -
0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2022 by spiral (2,190 points)
What is really needed is the ability to change the destination of automation.

Say you have upgraded Asynth V2 to Asynth V3, and you want to replace the old version with the new version. You have to add all of the parameters to the track again, then copy all of your automation data from the old parameters and paste it to the new parameters. You should instead be able to right-click an automation parameter name in and replace it with a new parameter, just like you were adding a new parameter.

See this Feature Request:
0 votes
answered Mar 18, 2023 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
As you can see how popular this suggestion is, automation events are really good to make many different people happy. You can duplicate, move and delete automation data very quickly and you can save automation data within your browser to use it somewhere else.

Beside automation events there could be color below it like the clip volume envelopes.
0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2023 by spiral (2,190 points)
The problem is that every automation event is permanently attached to the plugin and automation parameter it was created for, with no way to reassign it to a different plugin and/or parameter.

You wouldn’t be able to move automation data to use somewhere else until that shortcoming is addressed first.