Questions & Answers

BUG: Talkback Source reverts to SD by itself in StudioLive 32S.

+1 vote
asked Oct 8, 2023 in StudioLive Series III by stanch (680 points)
edited Oct 8, 2023 by stanch

This happens upon turning SL some times, but not the others. Input Source for Talkback sets to SD which I never set it to do, and when I select Analog - Gain reverts to zero. 

Steps to reproduce:

1. Login to 32S from another computer over the internet running UC Surface using Metro.

2. In Project screen click Reset.

3. Verify that Talkback source is Analog

4. From same remote computer shut 32S down using "Power Off" button in UC Surface.

5. Turn 32S On.

6. Login into it from another computer over the internet running UC Surface using Metro (as in step 1)

7. Check TB Source - it is now SD in my case.

8. Change current "reset" project as a new project

9. Repeat steps 4, 5, 6, 7
