Questions & Answers

Show page: Why are the lyrics not prompted after starting the next song ?

+1 vote
asked Oct 25, 2023 in Studio One 6 by joebrninghoff (480 points)
edited Oct 25, 2023 by joebrninghoff
Using the Show Page as an excellent means to present our live program including backing tracks, there remains an issue with the prompting of lyrics in the Performance view in life situations.

When transitioning from one song to the next, it’s quite apparent that the next set of lyrics the text is not displayed automatically as supposed on the prompter window or on the prompter page in performance mode.

Only by manually clicking the editing symbol (tool, icon) (and in performance mode subsequently aligning to left or center) causes studio one to display the new text.

It looks like the program function for prompting the text is not launched or the necessary program code does not invoke the function to automatically load and prompt the next lyrics with the next song ?

Is this a known issue? Or did I miss something? Any help?