Questions & Answers

Missing audio not being detected

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asked Nov 30, 2023 in Studio One 6 by pdpwalker (120 points)
I've opened a session and was told that two audio files were missing. True, I had accidentally deleted them. So, I replaced the files, located them, and all good.

However, I have noticed that one of the other audio tracks is blank, in that the audio clips on it are blank (no waveform). I can right-click and select audio>show in pool and the clip is there, but when I play it, there's no sound.

Closing and reopening Studio One does nothing and when I right-click in the Pool and select "locate missing files" or whatever it is, it says no files are missing.

I have placed the original file into the pool, but the clips are all still blank. This is an import of an hour worth of audio (single file) that has been cut into many, many bits and redistributed throughout the song, so it's not as easy as just dragging it back in.

Can someone help?
