Questions & Answers

MIDI Clock offset feature in S1 v6

+1 vote
asked Dec 8, 2023 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by Kudelsky (900 points)
The "MIDI time offset" option would be very useful.
It's about precise synchronization with external devices such as synthesizers or drum machines that use MIDI Clock (Not to be confused with MTC - it's something else). There is no option to advance the clock by a few milliseconds to align the beat of the devices with the project.
When we work with a low buffer in Studio One, this is not a problem, but an average session is enough and therefore a larger buffer and our external synthesizers that synchronize their clock via MIDI Clock are late. The solution is the so-called midi offset.
DAWs such as Ableton, Bitwig, Logic, etc. have had this option for years
Personally, I have over 15 devices that I can synchronize, but unfortunately I can't move the clock in S1 ;( and after 3 years in S1, I'm considering switching to Ableton again.

Presonus please