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MIDI Clock Out 4x too fast

+4 votes
asked Aug 13, 2017 in Studio One 3 by paulkirby1 (190 points)
I've setup some external instruments in Studio One, to sync with a bunch of hardware synths. Mostly it works, but when syncing MIDI clock, every synth picks up the clock as 4x the actual tempo (ie. 75 bpm becomes 300ish bpm). Anyone know how to fix this? Never seen this happen before with any other DAW.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
You definitely have a problem going on with the MIDI clock.  You will want to check your clock source for what you have your synths synced to.  On the Studio One side of things, you can go into your External Devices list, double-click your MIDI interface or MIDI devices that you are sending MIDI to, and choose the option to "Send MIDI Clock."  You may also want to try adjusting the MIDI cc interval as well.
–1 vote
answered Nov 28, 2018 by violetpow (1,210 points)
Studio One has the issue, when you rendering offline your song, the midi clock goes to 300 BPM on any external devices. All my synths and Elektron devices showing 300 BPM when S1 is rendering offline (not realtime)

On the other hand. The Midi clock in Studio One is not that good like in Ableton Live. I have never seen such a smooth and stable Midi clock like in Live 9 and up. Live has also Midi Clock offset, as most drum machines are terrible out of sync with S1.
0 votes
answered May 15, 2022 by garryjones1 (220 points)


Just had this same problem. Been trying to fix all morning. I'm not sure how you were set up, but I had setup multiple midi instruments all sending and receiving from the MIDI in/out. To be fair, Studio One warned me about using the same in/out for each device, but I chose to ignore it.

I deleted all my external devices from the device list in Studio One and created one instrument that uses the Midi in/out on my audio interface. I then changed the midi channel on each of my external devices to receive midi from separate channels. 

0 votes
answered May 15, 2022 by garryjones1 (220 points)


Now, if I add an instrument track I can select the relevant "Instrument Output" channel (1-16) from "Instrument Channel" drop down menu using the new instrument (in this instance - Midi Out) as the "Instrument Output".

As you can see in the image. The Drumbrute has been assigned the "Instrument Output" - "MIDI Out" and the Midi Channel has been set to CH2, which I set as the global MIDI channel in the settings of my Drumbrute.

You can also see the Elektron Cycles has been assigned the same "Instrument Output", but with each of the 6 machines being assigned separate MIDI channels (CH3, CH4, CH5 etc...) which again I assigned in the setting of the Elektron.

0 votes
answered May 15, 2022 by garryjones1 (220 points)
Sorry about the small images. The forum page squashed them.

I've added them to my Google Drive if anyone needs them.